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Animal Shelter Notebook

This project consists of a Jupyter Notebook that connects to a MongoDB via a Python CRUD API. The database has a collect that contains data from an animal shelter.

Getting Started

I recommend running this from VS Code. Dependencies may be required to start the project. See the dependencies. The connection string, in the notebook and Python script, may need to be modified depending upon your setup.

Install MongoDB Locally

Install MongoDB Tools

Create admin user

Use the following commands to add an admin user to the database. use admin db.createUser( { user: "admin", pwd: "1234", roles: [ "userAdminAnyDatabase" ] } )

List users

User the following command to verify the user was added. db.getUsers()

Add Animal Shelter Collection

The following command will use the admin password, created in the previous step, and import the anmial collection from the aac_shelter_outcomes.csv.

./mongoimport.exe --username="admin" --password="1234" --port=27017 --host= --db AAC --collection animals --authenticationDatabase admin --drop ./AAC.animals.csv --type=csv --fields="rec_num","age_upon_outcome","animal_id","animal_type","breed","color","date_of_birth","datetime","monthyear","name","outcome_subtype","outcome_type","sex_upon_outcome","location_lat","location_long","age_upon_outcome_in_weeks"

Dependencies Needed for Jupyter